Case Studies and Controlled Plant Trials

Trial of S-Chelate-O 12* on growth of avocados - Part 2
We finished the trial on 30th September 2020 and took photos of each plant which are shown to scale and it was clear that the S-Chelate fed plants were the tallest and most developed for each timescale.
Trial Details – Please see Case Studies – Avocado Case Study Part 1
Plants Thriving on 30th September 2020
S-Chelate 12 Star – 14 out of 24 stones started
X – 5 out of 13 stones started
Y- 6 out of 9 stones started
Tissue Tests
Results and Conclusions
The S-Chelate came out with the top uptake in a number of elements including Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Molybdenum but X and Y came out first in the remainder. X was applied at 3 times the level of S-Chelate and Y which may help to explain its higher uptake of Nitrogen.
The explanation of the S-Chelate’s superior performance lies in Liebig’s ‘law of the minimum’ theory whereby plant growth is limited by the most deficient element. In other words, a deficiency of any single element will prevent the plant from flourishing.
This tells us that the S-Chelate 12 Star chelation system achieved a more optimum uptake of all of the essential elements across the board than the other two feeds.
Plants that will benefit from S-Chelate 12 Star.
Please follow this link to see the wide range of plants that have benefitted from S-Chelate 12 Star and S-Chelate-O Cultiv-8:
They include:
Fruits – Figs, blackcurrants, plums and blackcurrants
Flowering plants – Orchids, Agapanthus, Ceanothus, Amaryllis, Iris
Field-Allotment-garden food Crops – Winter Linseed, Potatoes, Beetroot, courgettes
Cacti and Succulents – Christmas Cactus-Schlumbergera x buckleyi, Schlumbergera truncate, Trichocereus pachanoi
Herb – Basil
Aquarium plants – plants and tropical fish all thrived
We have seen the great performance of the S-Chelate-O Cultiv-8 over a number of years but had never compared it in a controlled trial with widely established commercial plant foods until now which incorporate the other major nutrients of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Calcium.
The results inspired us to place S-Chelate 12 Star and S-Chelate-O Cultiv-8 products on sale via E-Commerce with Dobies/Suttons and through our own website to share their performance with home gardeners and plant growers, allotment growers and small scale commercial growers.
A Little Goes a Long Way
The biologically friendly chelation system in the S-Chelates also makes them highly cost effective which means:
a 350gram pack of S-Chelate-O Cultiv-8 will produce 100 x 4.5 litres or 400 x 1 litre watering cans of ready to use plant food and
a 500gram pack of S-Chelate 12 Star will produce 50 x 4.5 litres or 200 x 1 litre water cans
Their solid supply form and recyclable packaging also make them fantastically environmentally friendly by avoiding the much higher plastic and transport use of liquid feeds and taking up much smaller storage space.
What’s Next?
We chose Avocados for this trial because they’re not easy to grow and each one constitutes a test in its own right which enabled a controlled scientific approach to comparing the S-Chelate 12 Star chelation system with two established plant feeds.
The combination and ratio of nutrients used in S-Chelate 12 Star was based on research of commercial feed combinations and worked better in these trials than the competing products due to the S-Chelate chelation chemistry.
We believe we have enhanced the uptake of all of the cations in our formulations with the S-Chelate technology which really lends itself to multi-element products.
If you have a combination of nutrients you would like to try with S-Chelate chelation, we welcome any new enquiries and challenges to include in our ongoing trial programmes for commercial, allotment or garden growers.
Soil Association Approvals for Use in Organic Growing
The S-Chelate-O Cultiv-8 micronutrient ratio and combination was used in the trial as an integral part of the S-Chelate 12 Star formulation.
S-Chelate-O Cultiv-8 is our micronutrient combination which is Soil Association approved for use in Organic growing.
All of our single element S-Chelates plus S-Chelate M2 are Soil Association approved for use in Organic growing.