Case Studies and Controlled Plant Trials
The Cultivated Garden
Trials of the versatile S-Chelate Cultiv-8 in 2017 and 2018 evidenced the value of the product to the gardener and horticulturalist.
In the spring of 2017 the tree was treated with 20ml of S-Chelate Cultiv-8 [1] mixed with a similar quantity of standard NPK fertiliser in a 5 litre watering can. The first application was just two weeks after the leaves first opened following winter and then repeated every 2 weeks thereafter. The result was an increase of 3 to 4 times the fruiting achieved with just fertilizer on its own.
[1] The solution of S-Chelate Cultiv-8 used was itself a 2% solution indicating just how powerful the S-Chelate micronutrients are.
A similar trial was also undertaken on an Agapanthus plant in the spring of 2017. Again 20ml of S-Chelate Cultiv-8 solution was diluted in a 5 litre watering can and the result applied two weeks after opening of leaves and repeated every 2 weeks thereafter.
The trial resulted in a flowering of 6 times the number of flower heads obtained by only watering the plant.
A further trial was conducted in 2018, this time on a Yellow Iris variety. Once again just 20ml of S-Chelate Cultiv-8 was dissolved into a 5 litre watering can and applied after opening of the leaves and every 2 weeks thereafter.
This regime resulted in 5 times the number of flower heads compared with no water or feed.
Finally, in the spring of 2018, 20ml of S-Chelate Culiv-8 solution was mixed with a similar quantity of standard NPK fertilizer in a 5 litre watering can and the result applied to a wild blackberry bush 2 weeks after opening of the leaves and repeated every two weeks thereafter. The result was 3 to 4 times the number of blackberries normally fruiting on the bush.