Case Studies and Controlled Plant Trials


Trial of S-Chelate-O 12* on growth of avocados - Part 1

avocado plant

In the Autumn of 2019 the Align Chemical product development team finalised the long awaited complete S-Chelate plant food, combining all 9 micronutrients with the three primary macronutrients of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.  The question arose as to how best to test the efficacy of the new product and it was decided to trial it on the notoriously difficult problem of growing avocado plants from their stones.

Accordingly a programme was set in motion from late October 2019 trialling the S-Chelate-O 12* against two other well established branded plant foods.  The successful results of that trial are provided in this PDF <click here>.

Note:  S-Chelate-O is uniquely biodegradable and is therefore a biologically friendly Chelate!