Case Studies and Controlled Plant Trials

Indoor Plant Case Study
Successful trials of S-Chelate Cultiv-8 on orchids and other indoor plants were conducted in 2017, yielding a 6 –fold increase in flower heads…..

The trial compared S-Chelate Cutiv-8 with an accepted Orchid Feed product using the recommended application rates for the latter and 5ml of S-Chelate Cultiv-8 solution [1] in a 500ml litre watering can every 2 weeks after first flowering for the former.
[1] The S-Chelate Cutiv-8 solution used was only a 2% concentrate, indicating the efficiency of take up of the micronutrients within the S-Chelated product range.
A similar trial was conducted on the flowering cactus, as illustrated on the right. The same application regime was used for the S-Chelate Cutiv-8 and the recommended rates applied for the competitor.
As was the case for the Orchids the result was a 6-fold increase of flower heads for those plants treated with S-Chelate Cultiv-8.

The third indoor trial examined the effect of S-Chelate Cultiv-8 on aquatic plants, using an application rate of 10ml of S-Chelate Cultiv-8 solution in a 180 litre tank every week.
Again the outcome of the trial reinforced the efficacy of the product, yielding twice the growth compared with the usual feed. It is reported that both plants and fish continue to thrive!