
S-Chelate Plant Nutrition is proud to be working with Aqua Bio developing new growing media for Saturn Bioponics

Shockingly Fresh is a start up company based in Edinburgh which is investing in 5 sites across the UK to grow a range of vegetables to fill market niches normally occupied by imports. Saturn Bioponics in Birmingham is supplying their highly cost effective hydroponic growing systems which require lower start up investment while providing all of the benefits of a highly controlled, intensive indoor growing environment.

S-Chelate Plant Nutrition is proud to be working with Aqua Bio in Stoke-on-Trent developing new growing media for Saturn Bioponics by providing some key micronutrients. We have provided multi-element and single element systems which lend themselves naturally to hydroponics by being completely water soluble, highly bio-available across a wide pH range of pH 3 to pH 11 and non bio-accumulative. They are formulated and produced in the UK which gives us complete control over the properties and manufacturing processes and therefore we are able to offer real custom made products for all plants and growing conditions.

We would be delighted to work with you to improve your crop quality and yield. Please contact us.

The picture shows a current Pak-Choi lettuce trial and perfectly illustrates the possibilities of growing with Saturn Bioponics system. For the full article about Shockingly Fresh indoor vertical farms, please click here.